Sound App

Sound App

Dutch version here (Nederlands)

App screenshots

The Sound App is an app for playing relaxing sounds (nature sounds, water sounds, rain sounds, animal sounds, …) in the background. It can be used for:
- relaxation
- sound enrichment
- sound therapy
- reducing contrast with annoying sounds in the environment
- improving sleep
- tinnitus therapy
- tinnitus retraining therapy (TRT)
- ...

Google Play

Android: Android 6.0 or higher (only available for Android)



The app contains a selection of high quality, relaxing sounds, like nature sounds, water sounds, rain sounds, animal sounds,... Following sounds are available in the app:

- waterfall
- river
- rain
- sea
- birds
- crickets
- pink noise
- brown noise
- bonfire
- rain forest
- thunderstorm



The app is available for Android on Google play (Android version 4.6 or higher - only available for Android).

Google Play   App Store

App screenshots

Demo version

Demo version

The free demo version contains a limited set of sounds. This allows you to test the app before buying it. If you want to unlock all sounds, please buy the full version. Tank you.

The demo version can be downloaden on Google Play: Sound App DEMO on Google Play

Google Play

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